Mineral MAX AG

Plant Nutrient Biostimulant Fertilizer

For Thriving Growth & Renewal

Klamath Lake with Walker Mountain in the background. Overlaid on the photo are two one sentence testimonials about Mineral Max, info on Klamath Lake - the source of AFA and that it sits atop 30' of volcanic ash, and that the blue-green algae used in Mineral Max is wildcrafted, sustainably harvested, and has organically processed ingredients.

with less water use

One gallon of Mineral MAX AG biostimulant yields 96 gallons of fertilizer solution

“Mineral MAX AG use produces many positive plant outcomes. It creates rapid uptake in plant and soil environments. The high nutrient content, growth factors, and plant sugars interact with soil bacteria to accelerate root growth. Numerous testimonials have confirmed this.”The Exchange Between Soil & Roots in the Rhizosphere article

“Biofertilizers (“Blue-Green algae” ) include mainly the nitrogen-fixing, phosphate solubilizing, and plant growth microorganisms.” —Goel, et al, Journal of Tropical Agriculture

“Cyanobacteria play an important role in building up soil fertility, consequently, increasing rice growth and yield as a natural biofertilizer.” Song et al, Biodiversity and Seasonal Variation of the Cyanobacterial Assemblage in a Rice Paddy Field in Fujian, China