Biochar & Carbon powder
Biochar (see our Links page for additional information on Biochar) is broken down into pieces between a half inch and a few inches. It is made through a process known as pyrolysis in which pieces of wood, usually hardwoods, are burned in a chamber without the presence of oxygen. These resulting biochar pieces are ideal to use in compost; the compost pile can also include vegetables, wood chips, animal manure, or any number of soil amendments. This compost, applied to plants, forms a basis for the plant to thrive. The Biochar forms a home for microbes for many years, as it breaks down very slowly.

The carbon from coconut shells, which is used in the Mineral MAX AG formula, is “carbonized” and is a very fine particle (320 mesh). We further shear Mineral MAX AG into the smallest particle size possible. Carbon works in synergy with the humates (the Humic and Fulvic acids). Together, they are nutrient biostimulants and provide supplemental help with increasing water retention, nourishing the subsoil, and helping to increase the nutrient uptake from the rhizosphere back to the plants. Also, carbon has a complementary role in helping to increase plant growth.
Nutrient saturation can be twofold in the humates in compost and subsoil. The same can be true of applying Kelp, blue-green algae, and Azomite®. All increase mineral uptake.