Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Note: High quality soil will enhance the biological activity of the product.
Results may vary depending on soil quality.
Mineral MAX AG & Blue-Green algae
- What is Mineral MAX AG Nutrient Biostimulant?
Mineral MAX AG Nutrient Biostimulant is composed of wild blue-green algae (Aphanizomenon flos-aquae or AFA) that is selectively harvested from Klamath Lake, Oregon by the collaborative efforts of local harvesting expertise and is organically processed in a certified organic facility. This rare algae mineral is processed by low-temperature heating for soft pasteurization of the product. Mineral MAX AG Nutrient Biostimulant is composed of Blue-green algae (AFA), Humates (Humic and Fulvic acids and other Humates), Icelandic Kelp, Azomite® (Volcanic micronized grade), Activated high carbon Coconut Charcoal, and a small amount of D-Limonene for scent. We use the most bioavailable forms of the nutrients in Mineral MAX AG and shear the material to a particle size that is as small as possible. - What are AFA Blue-Green algae?
AFA have the ability to perform photosynthesis as do all plants which use sunlight and CO2 to produce food. AFA also share features with primitive bacteria in that they lack a plant cell wall. Bacteria have no nuclei, can fix nitrogen, and can convert minerals into food. Interestingly, they contain complex sugars similar to glycogen on their cell membranes. Animals have a similar cell wall structure. - What is the composition of algae?
All aspects of this are found in the Nutrient Profile document (under the Documents menu item). - How has Blue-Green algae illustrated improved biology?
According to William Barry in The Astonishing, Magnificent and Delightful Algae, page 8, “Oxygen is not the only gas produced by the algae. The blue-green algae (Cyanophyta or cyanobacteria) produce oxygen, CO2, and nitrogen. Because they are so efficient at nitrogen fixation (taking nitrogen out of the soil), blue-greens have been inoculated into the rice paddies and increase the rice yield by 20% – 200%. Algae have been harvested for centuries and plowed into the land as an excellent fertilizer, mulch, and a substance to increase the water holding capacity of the soil. - What are the intrinsic factors?
These are what are contained within the nutrients used in Mineral MAX AG. Amino acids are intrinsic factors that make up a large part of the composition of blue-green algae and Icelandic kelp. Growth hormones, which support plant health and vitality, are also examples of intrinsic factors contained within the Mineral MAX AG nutrients. (See Mineral MAX AG Ingredients and Plant Growth Regulators under Articles on the main navigation menu). See our Mineral MAX AG Ingredients Chart below.
How to Use Mineral MAX AG
- How does Mineral MAX AG work?
Mineral MAX AG enhances the interrelationship between plants and soil. The nutrient transfer between plant roots and the subsoil rhizosphere allows nutrients to go back and forth between roots and soil and provides nourishment to both environments. Carbon and sugars are sent by the soil to the plant roots which break up the harder materials such as minerals, vitamins, and enzymes to provide these minerals to the plants through the roots. Water retention is increased by this process whereby mats on the surface area of bare soil to increase absorption. - How often should Mineral MAX AG be applied?
It can be applied 1–2 times per week or as needed. Applying it even once every few weeks will help plant growth. Each farm and garden should find the optimal level for their particular needs. - How much should I use?
Use 1 ounce per gallon when applying to seedlings and starts. 1.5 ounces per gallon is for general use. We recommend 2 ounces per gallon of water for flowering and fruiting flora. That being said, some farmers/gardeners have obtained great results using twice these amounts. As stated in Question #6, each farm or garden should find the optimal amount to use based on their particular needs. - How should Mineral MAX AG be applied?
Hand-watering, foliar spray, overhead sprinklers, aqua or hydroponics, drip, soak, and any other readily absorbable irrigation method that benefits plants and their roots. Shake well. Add water to any leftover residue in the container. Approximately 8 ounces could be applied to a 5-gallon bucket. Remember to test and control the concentration to suit your particular needs. - Can Mineral MAX AG be used on trees?
Yes. Water toward drip lines 1 or 2 times per week; continue as needed. Trees respond better to mycorrhizal fungi than small plants or annuals do. - What is the shelf life of Mineral MAX AG?
This product has a long shelf-life; it is good for several years. The Humus Complex, Carbon, and D-Limonene enhance the product and extend its shelf life. Store in a cool, dry place. - Can Blue-Green be used with other nutrients or should it be used as a stand-alone?
Hand-watering, foliar spray, overhead sprinklers, aqua or hydroponics, drip, soak, and any other readily absorbable irrigation method that benefits plants and their roots. Shake well. Add water to any leftover residue in the container. Approximately 8 ounces could be applied to a 5-gallon bucket. Remember to test and control the concentration to suit your particular needs. - How does the mineral cycle work?
Plants utilize Mineral MAX AG by absorbing the nutrients in the mineral-rich formula into their roots and into the soil. This provides a continual replenishment of nutrients to plants and soil. For additional information on the soil and plant interaction and replenishment cycles, please check out some of the websites listed on our Links page and the articles listed under the Articles navigation button such as “Soil and Rhizosphere.” - What is the relationship between Mineral MAX AG and a good quality compost for fertilizing?
A good, well-mixed compost lays an essential foundation for plant health and growth. Mineral MAX AG can be added to compost to enhance soil biology. Mineral MAX AG works with soil and plants no matter what condition they are in. The condition of soil and the plants growing in the soil affects water retention, soil pH, and texture.
Organisms such as beneficial bacteria, nematodes, and earthworms thrive in good quality soil. Plant roots work their way into soil searching for nutrients. These roots provide beneficial carbohydrates and sugars to the rhizosphere (the below-ground soil level) which help to solubilize minerals, fix nitrogen, sequester carbon, and allow for the slow release of these nutrients. Additional nutrients travel from the soil to plants through capillary action. Root hairs gain greater mass as they become micellized through through mycorrhizal fungi. This creates stability in plants and allows them to gain a wider girth and increased height. The hyphae come off the micellized root hairs which assists with plant roots search for nutrients. Mineral MAX AG enhances this type of activity. Please note that the synergy between good compost, soil, and Mineral MAX AG biostimulant helps the subsoil activity. - Is there toxicity in Mineral MAX AG?
As stated by William Barry in his book Aphanizomenon Flos Aquae, The Astonishing, Magnificent & Delightful Algae, there is no toxicity in blue green algae. Microcystins, Daphnia, and Anabaena are not harvested with the beneficial AFA in Klamath Lake. Mineral MAX AG was formulated for plants only and is not meant for human or animal consumption. There is a premium grade of Blue Green algae that is a food, but it is not to be confused with Mineral MAX AG nutrient biostimulant.
Benefits and Results
- What are the benefits of Mineral MAX AG?
Both Blue Green Algae and Icelandic Kelp contain large amounts of proteins (amino acids), plant growth hormones, minerals (macro and micro), vitamins, minerals, lipids, RNA, beta carotenes, phytocyanins, and rapidly utilized complex carbohydrates. All these ingredients encourage healthy plants and soil. Root exudates release plant sugars, oxygen, and various carbon compounds into the rhizome layer. The soil returns enzymes, nutrients, vitamins, minerals, and lipids which are carried to plants by capillary action aided by hyphae in this continuous nutrient feed loop. This improves root growth and plant potential yielding faster growth, hardier starts, and stronger plants. The Humates and Carbon help provide a home for microbes and reduce water use. They are nutrient biostimulants in the soil biology sense of this “fertilizer.” - What results will I observe?
Your results will be unique to the way that Mineral MAX AG is used and the concentration amount. Results that some farmers and gardeners have obtained can be seen on our Testimonial pages. Do a test using the same type of plants with similar conditions and observe the growth differences! We always appreciate a testimonial and a photo or two of how Mineral MAX AG has improved plants and crops. This provides a deeper understanding for everyone. - Does Mineral MAX AG improve root growth?
Absolutely! Results show more growth in plant roots and hairs. Mineral MAX AG delivers nutrients to plants through their roots. The results noted on the Testimonials pages show that root growth improvements are as profound as the improvements that we see above the soil! - Can Mineral MAX AG help with all kinds of crops including large & specialty crops and all gardening and farming systems?
Yes, it can be used on all crops: vegetables, blueberries, strawberries, fruit trees, hemp (CBD), cannabis, orchids, bananas, cane sugar, ferns, rice, potatoes, onions, flowers, herbs etc. We are currently gathering data on the effectiveness of Mineral MAX AG on larger projects. Some results can be seen on our Testimonial pages for specific crops. - Can Mineral MAX AG help “sick” plants?
See the testimonial pages and photos which illustrate ongoing improvements in crops and plants and how they can be restored and thrive. We have seen numerous examples of improvements in unhealthy plants. - How will Mineral MAX AG improve the quality of crops and increase the yields?
For fruits and vegetables, the yield is large, and the produce is juicy and flavorful. Other plants experience enriched growth, improved terpene activity, and have greater aromatic properties. Quality nutrients yield better taste. Plants become more robust and durable which gives them greater resistance to insect infestation, drought, and many other issues that may arise. When plants are at the fruiting, budding, flowering, or nut-producing stage, using 2–4 ounces of Mineral MAX AG per gallon of water might be best. We suggest that you experiment and monitor the results Please let us know what you discover so we can fine-tune our understanding of how to best use our product.