Fruits & Vegetables
Butter Lettuce

The 72-hour Butter Lettuce Test: Mineral MAX AG has made a big difference in this butter lettuce crop in only three days! The head of butter lettuce above on the left was not fertilized with Mineral MAX AG. The head on the right was in the test group that was fed Mineral MAX AG Nutrient Biostimulant. The differences are very noticeable!

Doug & Kim, Santa Cruz, CA: Our Kale plants are doing very well and are thriving with Mineral MAX AG.

Uma T, Trinidad, CA: My broccoli plants are doing so well with Pacific Plant Nutrients’ Mineral MAX AG!
Spaghetti Squash & Tree Collard

Paul G, Aptos, CA: My tree collards have huge leaves and I had a great yield. The collards make a great addition to stir fry. The spaghetti squash was a volunteer plant that took in the nutrients from Mineral MAX AG. Both plants grew very large.
Radishes & Beets

Connie, Elk Grove, CA: “My beets and radishes really took off with Mineral MAX AG. I am really happy with it!”
Peach Trees

Paul R, Corralitos, CA: My peach trees are responding well to Mineral MAX AG!

Barry T, Aptos, CA: Mineral MAX AG has helped straighten and stabilize my banana trees. People marvel at how robust and flourishing my banana trees are. I used one ounce of Mineral Max AG Nutrient Biostimulator per gallon of water.

Steve G, Aptos, CA: Each time I fertilized my strawberry plants with Mineral MAX AG the plants revived and produced more fruit. I did this three times and it worked every time. My strawberry yields have improved considerably.

Jose B, Watsonville, CA: The Chayotes in my garden have been growing well with Mineral MAX AG! Thank you!
Pepino Melón

Monica M, Freedom, CA: My Pepino Melóns are producing lots of fruit and are thriving thanks to Mineral MAX AG. The plants are adapting well here.

Andy S, Talent, OR: My grapes are doing very well. I have a huge harvest and the grapes are very sweet.

Bonnie S, Encinitas, CA: Even in marginal soil, Mineral MAX AG has made a great difference with my bean crop!

Pepe, Salinas, CA: My tomatillos are thriving with just a small amount of Mineral MAX AG.

John and Karen S, Talent, OR: My tomato plants are really healthy. They love Mineral MAX AG!

Susan, Carmel Valley, CA: “A dear friend gave me some beautiful tomato seedlings. Some sort of animal got in my greenhouse and ate these seedlings down to just nubs. I used wire to enclose them and gave them some Mineral MAX AG and hoped for the best. Here are the Before and After Mineral Max AG photos. It didn’t take a long time… maybe two weeks…”
Heirloom Tomatoes

Penelope, San Diego, CA:: “Yes, that is my heirloom tomato plant. My name is Penelope and I live in San Diego. It’s mid-January and we are now experiencing 84° weather. These pics show our patio tomato plant. We call it FRANKENSTEIN. This is an annual plant and yet, this is its second winter. It WON’T die. It comes back with a vengeance each year! I just feed it Mineral MAX AG mixed with water on top of a quality potting mix. We can’t believe the result.
Additional Testimonials
“My pear tree was growing underneath oak trees and looked dead. I applied Mineral MAX AG solution and the tree came back to life quickly. It is now thriving.”
—Bonnie S, Las Lomas, CA